Make a Difference

We know that God has created each person with their own unique set of gifts. We often serve God best when we find a way to use our natural abilities. So to make a difference, it’s great to find a fit between what needs doing and your particular skills and interests.

Other service opportunities

Many people from Church in the Marketplace are involved in activities in the broader community, not just those run through the church. We support each other’s involvement in sporting, cultural, service, welfare and other activities as part of our commitment to make a difference to our community.


Over a number of years, Church in the Marketplace has developed links with a number of external organisations. We keep informed of their work, pray for them, get involved in their activities and sometimes fundraise for them.

Currently Church in the Marketplace supports the following organisations:

The Lighthouse: a Christian community operating in Bondi which runs a homework help activity for school kids.

TEAR Fund: an international aid organisation

Christianityworks: broadcasting Christian radio segments across the world

The Good Neighbour International: a holistic development project in Fiji – transforming Fijian families into all that God intended them to be.

Habitat for Humanity: working towards a world where everyone has safe and decent housing